
Consumer Verified was formed to help consumers identify D.O.T. licensed and insured moving companies in good standing. We want to ensure that our community members do not get scammed by unverified companies.

Consumer Verified experts research and rank moving companies that were honest, reliable, and do not have hidden fees.

We rank the best moving providers based on factors including years in business, online reviews, licensing, insurance, and more.

Community Participation

Share Your Client Experiences: Your client experiences can help us bring the dangers other consumers face in the moving marketplace to the forefront and push fraudulent companies out.

Share your client narratives by searching for the company you did business with by clicking here.

Confirm Your Mover Is Verified​

Before deciding on which moving company to choose, make sure they have the Consumer Verified badge. Otherwise, their credentials have not been verified by our company.

Avoid taking unnecessary risks by confirming company credentials, licenses, and insurance before you move.

Click Here to search for your moving provider.

Consumer Verified Badge